A brochure could be made listing all the areas and with a little about each one written inside with a map of where the other sites are. Area businesses could place ads inside the brochure, or even ADOPT a Scenic Site.
Sure, some sites would require more work than others to make them scenic and safe, but others would not need as much work, By offering an Adoption plan, the business, or individual adopting the site would make a contribution, and their name would be posted at the site. Some of the costs could be dealt with in this manner.
If we did three sites each year, and designed it so that one of the three would be a place needing more work than the others, we could pace ourselves.
In the meantime, what special places in town would we designate? Think about it. Keep in mind they don't have to be on the main roads. There are many back roads, country lanes, dirt roads in town that offer wonderful views. If you have a suggestion, send an email to aroundsturbridge@gmail.com.
One more thing, if you think that this idea could fly, then talk it up and write your selectman. You can even use the little envelope icon at the bottom of this post to send this to others you know that may have an interest.
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